"New Life" Program Helps Defeat Alcoholism

“Alcohol addiction has been a serious problem in all times and nations. New Life is an alcoholism treatment program essential part of which is based on the use of naltrexone”, said Mr. Alex Pressl, RIA (see information below) lead manager. “Those who are interested in participation are invited to call”.

Naltrexone or Revia (an opioid antagonist) is used in clinical practice for more than 20 years, since 1994, and it has proven to be safe and effective medication for this term. Naltrexone is capable to essentially reduce the craving for alcohol.

New Life offers to the participants a 3-month course of treatment by naltrexone to keep them off the use of alcohol until they get out of the habit of regular drinking.

The program participants are invited to regular meetings twice a month were they have a possibility to individually consult medical practitioners about the effectiveness of naltrexone. Meetings can be scheduled in different clinics, and the patients are notified in advance about the specific place and time.

At the end of the course of treatment the participants are offered the assistance and guidance in resolving their personal psychological and social problems in supporting abstinence. In weekly sessions during ten weeks, our specialists will teach abstinence skills and habits to the patients. After ten weeks the patients are recommended to attend Alcoholics Anonymous and the like social support groups.

To be able to take part in the New Life program you must

  • Want to get rid of alcohol dependence
  • Be between 21 and 72 years old and
  • Live not far from the UB Downtown Campus.

You must also be physically able to take naltrexone; it means, have no liver diseases and use no opium-based medications that negatively interact with naltrexone. Certainly, you must be ready to take naltrexone tablets for ninety days. Taking part in subsequent sessions is highly recommended.

The categories of individuals who are not eligible for the New Life program are as follows:

  • Those caught in driving while intoxicated and sentenced by court to mandatory treatment
  • Pregnant or planning pregnancy women
  • Anyone taking opium-containing drugs (like Codeine, Morphine, Lortab, Demerol, Dilaudid, Fentanyl, Methadone, Suboxone, Naloxone, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Hydromorphone, Hydrocodone, heroin).

If you are interested in taking part in the New Life, please call at 716-887-2478. You will be anonymously consulted, and the decision will be taken as to whether you are eligible for the program. In case of negative answer, you will be recommended where to address for a different treatment.


RIA is a research laboratory at the State University of New York at Buffalo. RIA has taken the national leadership in the study of alcohol and drug dependence. Our scientific programs (most of them are several-year long) are supported on the federal and state levels. Among our supporters is the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences at the National Institutes of Health. RIA headquarter is at the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. We highly value our reputation for the excellence of research.